
Build a Kilombo Republic!

The Black Liberation Struggle against Imperialism

So it is, the Black Liberation dialectic has become blurred as the international struggle for survival in a hostile capitalist world economy take precedence. Aside from opportunists diluting the line, ambiguities within our own victories against Imperialism have left the national democratic struggle in jeopardy.

South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique have all become tinderboxes. Imperialism has sworn to destabilize these states. Zimbabwe has been singled out for special demonization, with black-skinned critics leading the charge. Yet, while we uphold the right to criticize, Zimbabwe’s critics consistently depart from rendering concrete support for the Zimbabwean African masses.

Anti-Zimbabwe criticism is also linked with increasing criticism of South Africa because of recent attacks inside the country mis-characterized as “xenophobic pogroms”, as well as the fact the South Africans were slow to pressure the Zimbabwean government for its missteps. Very few observers have struggled to analyze this phenomenon. The Black Commentator imitated Imperialist propaganda styles in cartoon condemnations. It gave the impression that an anti-Zimbabwe element has arisen in South Africa, when workers from all neighboring African countries have been attacked, not just Zimbabweans.

It also ignores the counterinsurgency which has opposed and delayed revolutions in all three countries. In fact, not one anti-ZANU or “anti-xenophobic” article in The Black Commentator even mentions counterinsurgency. Renamo in Mozambique, Inkatha in South Africa and forces inside Zimbabwe all still receive Imperialist financing to turn back the revolutions to colonial times.

So this is the neo-colonialist element inside the Black Liberation Movement itself, posing as revolutionary, posing as black. But we have to be clear that a line exists between revision and dialectics, and that line is not always blurry. In this instance, the line is very clear. It uses anti-imperialist catch-words and near-revolutionary phraseology, yet we have crystal clarity that they have only contributed revision to the black revolutionary struggle.

America, the great enemy of black liberation, drags its black slaves out of the ghetto and around the World to showcase its purported democracy, based on a new colonialism. This neo-colonialism fragments the unstable US black community, and further separates us from other Africans because the racist “culture war” maintains victory by dashing Black unity to pieces.

Neo-colonialism, having reached near total saturation, screams out to the masses to join in on the genocide against their own class and nation. It first screamed out in a most obvious form, in open collaboration with Imperialism. Now ne(g)o-colonialism screams from podiums and newspapers for African workers to sell out everywhere. However, Imperialism cannot genuinely accommodate a total sell out population. America lacks the democratic space and the political will to achieve justice for all those whom it invites into its fold. Imperialism only requires a class peace with the appearance of niggros having achieved the American dream.

This limitation defines the essential contradiction rooted within the Imperialist crisis sweeping thru American neighborhoods, factories, and banks. It exposes the fundamental limitation of Capitalism. We have to be clear that Capitalism is a finite system with finite resources and finite ideas and policies. It only has finite solutions for humanity. Capitalism only accommodates a small, numerically insignificant proportion of persons, who themselves own wealth and power out of proportion to their numbers.

Capitalism has severe limitations, and capital completely lacks the ability to relieve oppression and repression and exploitation. Capitalism’s very existence remains based in perpetuating reactionary, subhuman conditions.

America tenders not one cent toward helping African people transform their economies. These valiant workers and peasants inherited racist economies slanted entirely against them, weighting them down, and having only a handful of educated and trained personnel to help make the transformation. America has done nothing to expedite their prosperous ascension within the family of nations. America has never recognized their uphill fight against the fascism of apartheid and colonialism. But the United States has been quick to condemn the errors of the Black Liberation Movement, and hinder its efforts.

And whereas, on the neo-conservative side Clarence Thomas once cited Malcolm X to express his neo-colonialist ambition at the expense of African people, the negro-colonial Left currently repudiates Malcolm to preface their public betrayals of the great Black Liberation Movement. However, dialectics and revision do not go together, and all remarks by the neo-colonialist sector can never taint Malcolm X’s revolutionary martyrdom in the hearts of the masses.

Mao Zedong once discussed, in Selected Military Writings, the interior and exterior lines of combat. He talked about this because of the dialectic involved in maintaining principled and steeled revolutionary clarity, even on the battlefield. Mao didn’t say anything about blindly obeying orders. He didn’t elaborate on intangibles like honor and glory, or metaphysics. Mao Zedong discussed issues meant to help build a revolutionary fighting force which would help develop China following the communist victory.

Neo-colonialism within the Black Liberation Movement may seem like a paradox, yet it exists because Imperialism needs to undermine the workers struggle.

The Black Liberation Movement exists for the masses of African people, for them to seize and exercise power. Black liberation overthrows and dismantles the instruments of exploitation and oppression which rules over Africans, and builds a human social system to abolish private ownership, arms races and wars, and the crises in production and social relationships. At times, black revolutionaries have fallen short of our goals, because we lacked the democratic space to complete our work.

Clearly, the Black Liberation Movement must forcefully mark its territory. It must create splits thru out the neo-colonialist infrastructure. It must make its ideological attacks on Imperialism. Capitalism itself supplies a vast source of agitational material for revolutionary organizers.

Black revolutionary workers have a duty to undermine confidence that the system will straighten out this crisis. We must make short shrift of the State ideology, the functions of its branches, its relationship to big Capital, and its alienation from the masses of people.

The Imperialist power structures, or capitalist central committees, have failed to realize the deep set aversion to occupation war -- and hence its obsolescence -- within their societies. With the bailouts of parasitic banks in the midst of a widespread housing crisis, the Imperialist power structure has overestimated society's tolerance for exploitation. Energy prices have shot up because of supply-side deregulation, a doctrine of neo-conservative government, which also auctions off public assets to the highest bidder. Anti-democratic laws from the Telecom Act to the Patriot Act undermine workers rights and set the stage for sweeping repression.

Capitalism is a class-based system which dominates relationships between nations, between societies and classes, the rich and the poor, the great and the small, and between women and men. This degenerate system, birthed in human trafficking and genocide, today strives for validation thru the ascendancy of black slaves to positions of power formerly reserved for Imperialism’s white colonial masters. Today, Capitalism is in crisis, grasping for anything to keep it afloat. The role of black revolutionaries is to make sure this system drowns.

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