
Build Communities of Resistance!

The State and Imperialism in 2009

by I. Langalibalele

Please take a look at the powerful observation from writer Matt Taibbi that I’ve posted below. Especially take note of the sentence within the *stars*. I've added the "stars" to show emphasis and to highlight that section.

"As complex as all the finances are, the politics aren't hard to follow. By creating an urgent crisis that can only be solved by those fluent in a language too complex for ordinary people to understand, the Wall Street crowd has turned the vast majority of Americans into non-participants in their own political future. *There is a reason it used to be a crime in the Confederate states to teach a slave to read: Literacy is power.* In the age of the CDS and CDO, most of us are financial illiterates. By making an already too-complex economy even more complex, Wall Street has used the crisis to effect a historic, revolutionary change in our political system — transforming a democracy into a two-tiered state, one with plugged-in financial bureaucrats above and clueless customers below."

~ Matt Taibbi

The Big Takeover
Mar 19, 2009

Courtesy, Jawanza Diame

What is going on with President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan? If we can take the word of economists like Paul Krugman and others, the government needs to wait out this period of “financial crisis” because it will stabilize over the next nine months or so. However, Obama continues to push for the so-called bank bail outs, which are nothing more than massive giveaways to the already filthy rich financial sector.

The US government want absolute authority. It seeks absolute authority under the cover of democracy to carry out the most inhuman agenda in history. It wants the ability to implement its agenda under the cover of law, based upon the assumption that elected lawmakers can pass legislation that supports the most extreme goals of international finance.

This is apparent from watching trends over the last thirty years. Over this period, leaders from Reagan on thru Obama have raped public assets to fill the pockets of international bankers and other corporate financiers.

In the effort to strip down the State to its basic, fundamental soulless shell, US presidents have auctioned off, sold, or outright given the banks trillions of dollars. They are depleting the public coffers to enrich the already wealthy. Meantime, the educational system suffers, no plan for children’s health care exists, and the State wants more prisons. Because prisoners can be put to work for three hots and a cot, and fascism functions on that principle.

They have used the excuse that there is a banking crisis. Simultaneously, the banks line their pockets, the pockets of their investors, and buy up other financial assets. The banks also line their pockets with the money looted from homeowners. No consumer protection laws have shielded the working class -- the middle class has enuf education to understand fine print, or to hire a lawyer to do it for them -- from the bloodsucking banks. No laws have protected the workers stock-based retirement plans. And with the State giving money to the banks, there will be nothing left for workers who reach retirement age in this country. After all, who will be foolish enuf to invest in the financial schemes that have ripped off workers across this country?

If the bankers were operating honestly, the banks would never have sunk. It is because of their rapine greed and thirst for power that the banks have collapsed. It is not because credit has dried up, but because so much money has become concentrated in so few hands that this situation exists. Without the banks and the culture of bloodsucking greed, society might have a chance to discover its humanity. Yet the State anticipates everything necessary to prevent that.

Anytime real wages have not kept pace with inflation, anytime the US worker labors for more hours than his counterpart in other industrial workers, anytime that worker recedes into debt to maintain a house, automobile and the regular things in life, that is because cash has dried up on the street. It has dried up because the financiers have concentrated 80% of it in their own hands. Seven or eight percent of all people control 80% of all the money. Which means that the remaining 83% of the population must fight over the few dollars left.

So while Obama has joked about bailing out the auto industry, he continues to push the argument that society cannot survive without the banks. He may as well deride joblessness, which hits double digits in the African community. But the auto industry produces a product. The banks do not. Paper money is not a product with any intrinsic value whatsoever.

Why is the State giving even more money to the banks, when the government owes the banks over $10 trillion? The State can seize the banks and liquidate the debt. That makes more sense.

That is what the State did with the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. It wanted to control the oil and the opium, so it invaded those countries. Seventy-five percent of Iraqi oil ends up on the black market; opium production has skyrocketed since the US occupation of Afghanistan. The dope ends up here. Profits from the blackmarket oil ends up in the hands of the CIA and the international financiers. These monies are used to destabilize governments and societies, including US society.

So the State ought to invade Wall Street and take it over completely. However, the State seeks to strip away all the benefits US workers have provided for this society. The State aims to strip down Social Security, pensions, health care and transform this country into a backwater of reaction. It can only achieve this by supporting the banks. In doing so, the strategy has been to give away public sector assets from cash grants to public lands.

The international financiers control the most reactionary sector of capitalism. They fuel wars all over the globe. They finance wars; they finance coups d’etat; they finance assassinations of men like Salvador Allende and Maurice Bishop. They want to transform revolutionary Cuba into a whorehouse and a den of vice. They want the world for their playground while creating misery and instability for billions of people in every single country.

The United States is rapidly moving towards fascism. It is repeating all the steps and turns that Germany and Italia made in the years preceding World War II. The marginalized right-wing has become more shrill and obstructionist, and the Obama Administration appears like the Weimar Republic, granting concessions to the enemies of the people, international finance. If this trend continues, in four more years there will be a firestorm in this country. People need to take the war to the financiers. We do not have time to wait.


Amera said...

I'm on the roll with this...keep it coming
I'm getting clearer

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your kind words, Warrior Queen Nefertiti! I am working hard to bring this to the masses and want to make it as clear and simple as possible. Struggle with me if the terms aren't broken down or if you just disagree with my analysis or anything relevant you have to say, kick it!

Anonymous said...

I agree with much of your analysis on many things, but I think it's a mistake to only call the middle class to the carpet. Also, please pardon the long comment that follows.

Maybe I'm not understanding your middle class comment, but it comes across as the problem and promotion of PAIDS almost totally falling on that fictional class. I think it's fair to say that most if not all of them are too spineless or confused to really push any agenda regardless of the power of their choices and presence. And yes, I do understand the power of this fictional class and recognize it as a imperialist tool used among many things to neutralize dissent.

I think we all know that those who may be described as outside of it or just outside of this fictional demographic are as affected by this disease as others though. It is their financial delusion, no different from faith, that supports this fictional class. If that wasn't the case then this class would be a lot like certain groups of Americans decades ago(not that much has changed)where from one generation to the next this group pretty much remained the same in size, reach, and appearance.

It is those outside of it that are feeding it. It is those outside that are promoting it and churning out these "educated" or "highly skilled" but brain dead capitalists foaming at the mouth and preaching the gospel of money. If that wasn't true I suspect there would be a larger, more sensible "working class" with more of a focus on the values, things that unite us, and things that color life rather than a focus on how to "come up."

I apologize if my point is not clear. I'm not attempting to bash you or argue that this class does not support imperialism. It's just that in addition to seeing those MC capitalists I see those WC capitalists with dollar signs in their eyes and I don't seperate the two or place the blame with one over the other.

I also want to touch on media for a second because I think it or rather people's response sort of manifests the class issues and PAIDS. Specifically I'm talking about the work of writer/director/actor Tyler Perry.

My intention is not to glorify Tyler's work or hold it up as some kind of revolutionary work, but I have to admit that reactions to it are very telling. His work also consistently has a theme of "integrity over status/$," something that he acheives by often demonizing(which I don't necessarily agree with)those in this fictional MC, which PAIDS sufferers HATE. And I say this as someone who is not a fan of Tyler's work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments, Anonymous. Feel free to use as many words as necessary to get your point across. I have not covered all the bases on the PAIDS breakdown, which is simply used to cut thru certain questions in our community. For instance, in "The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual," Harold Cruze discussed how black intellectuals and leaders lack the academic ambition to master the various disciplines necessary to advocate for real and effective social change. We can boil that down into PAIDS. On the same coin’s flip side, where E. Franklin Frazier elaborated on the narrow self-interests of the M/C, in "The Black Bourgeoisie;" PAIDS is just short-hand or code for reducing his theme into a single concept. PAIDS is nothing more and nothing less than that.

Despite its shortcomings, Anonymous, the M/C is not fictional! I understand why you regard it that way, because it is a totally dependent class, its identity is shaped not only by the bourgeoisie who assign it the job of carrying out its policies for the working class, who incorrectly look to the M/C for leadership and therefore give it relevance. Of course, the M/C is sposed to be petty capitalists; many of them are, but others are do-boys, hacks, squires, running dogs and whip crackers for the ruling class.

In our community, the petty bourgeoisie has joined with the lumpen proletariat. This association has snatched hip hop from the hands of working class youth to advance the agenda of the most anti-black, reactionary sector in our community. I have emphasized this analysis of the M/C because it poses itself as black leadership. I suggest you read Franklin and Cruze, and note how little things have changed since they wrote their books.
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